There was a Faith - François Lefort
God makes me laugh - François Lefort
Creative energies - Patrick des Ylouses
How to fail your aggregation of Letters - Emmanuel Delettres
Lavoisier. The French Chemist - Yves Zarka / Marie-France Germain
Patacroum - Lili Mac / Chrystèle Lim
Little Red Riding Hood - Andrea Echorn
Why is the sea salty? - Marie-Laure Depaulis / Mauve
Why are books full of words? - Marie-Laure Depaulis / Mauve
Why is the wind transparent? - Marie-Laure Depaulis / Mauve
Little Red Riding Hood - Charles Perrault / Églantine Bonetto
Little Red Riding Hood - Charles Perrault / Fabien Gontier
Little Red Riding Hood - Charles Perrault / Fabienne Cinquin
After Nice-Letters to my grandson
Of science and literature - Jean-Louis Coatrieux
From rejection to self-love
Free fall
ARCA. The abyssal paths
You are twenty years old in 1789 - Patrick des Ylouses
Buffon, the naturalist philosopher - Yves Zarka / Marie-France Germain
Yeshua on the beach - Philippe Borrini
God Doesn't Like Civil Servants - Pierre-Marie Windal
It's not rocket science, Harry! - Gordon Zola
Code Name: Da Vinci's Dada - Gordon Zola
Palestinian Memories: The Land in the Head - Anwar Abu Eisheh
The Word of God - Aouda Nasri
Tibet: the sacrificed country - Claude Arpi
You are Napoleon Bonaparte: remake history and change the destiny of the world - Patrick des Ylouses
Chan and the Dragon - Céline Lamour-Crochet / Emilie Dedieu
Why do phones ring? - Marie-Laure Depaulis / Mauve
Why do all pendulums turn in the same direction? - Marie-Laure Depaulis / Mauve
Summer 57
My sister's seals - fréville
My father's mistresses - fréville
Breast augmentations
Big Bang - Caroline Cordesse
The Dream Merchant - Nathalie Vanmalle
The weight of the twig - Carole Dailly
Lessons of love - Christophe Vieu
Humanomorph - The Beast Conspiracy
The next 7 lives of Greta Thunberg - fréville
Doña Marina - by Patrick des Ylouses
In absentia - Jean-Louis Coatrieux
The Sky's Mirliton - Albert Memmi
Mediation and other alternative methods of resolving inter-company disputes - Marinka Schillings
Practical Foreigners' Law - Bojana Claire Stojanović
Physics 1st S, course and corrected exercises - Frédéric Tenailleau
Analytical Mechanics, Statics (volume 1) - Daniel Poupart
Analytical Mechanics, Statics (volume 2) - Daniel Poupart
Christmas Mystery - François Lefort
The Desert of the Mad Man - François Lefort
Heloise and Abélard - Body and soul
The Gospel According to Judas - Patrick des Ylouses
Ubu Roi - Alfred Jarry / Laurent Tiesset
Pisana No. 5
In search of a lost sign: JB de La Brosse, SJ, Elements of the Montagnais language (1768)
Gender and heteronormativity in sources since Antiquity
Les Cahiers d'Allhis n°8 - Translations, translators and (re)translated women: The place of sources
Praise of Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary, as a warrior
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, from kindergarten (Second edition) - Agnès Rosenstiehl
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, from the age of reason (Second edition) - Pierre Gay
Just cross the bridge - Caroline Cordesse / Fabienne Cinquin